How To Become A Content Creator

Creating content for your brand is important on many strategic levels. Audio, video, images and written word are all considered “content” as they allow you to tell stories, engage with your customers, and build a loyal following. Content can help you to showcase your products, services, and values, as well as promote your brand and build trust. Content also helps to increase website traffic and can help you to rank higher in search engine results (SEO).

Here are 4 Helpful Tips for Becoming a Content Creator

  1. Improve Your Smartphone Storytelling Skills

    Improving your photography and video skills will make the audience more interested in your content.

    Ask yourself these 2 questions before every post:

    • Who is this for?

    • How does this help them?

  2. Learn How To Edit Your Content:

    1. Edit your phots with the auto-editor in your camera roll

    2. Clip the beginning and ends of a video that is too long

    3. Filter a bad image and write over the top of it to salvage it

    4. Use a Reels template with music to learn quickly

    5. Watch YouTube tutorials

    6. Be okay with sucking for a while. Frequency and Consistency > Perfection.

  3. Write Captivating Captions

    Hook your customers into a story where they are the hero. This is all about them, not about you. Speak to their wants, needs, and fears. Add Value.

    Balance that with language that inspires action. What do you want them to do next? Call them to action.

  4. Engage With Other Accounts

    Be social, be supportive and be hospitable by delivering an experience worth supporting and sharing with others.

    “A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships”

Hopefully these tips got your creative juices flowing. The key is to just start and learn as you go. Remember, you are shooting for frequency and consistency, not perfection. This is your call to adventure. Will you answer the call?


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